Current Wyrd Kickstarter for a large scale war game sharing the same setting as the Malifaux skirmish game. |
Saturday, December 31, 2016
My Hobby and Blog in December 2016
Saturday, December 24, 2016
[Games] Way of the Fighter - Technique Packs
Preview of Chi Style Yang Technique Pack from the Kickstarter |
Last Updated on 1/31/2018: Updated this entry with technique grids. In Way of the Fighters, you have the ability to adjust how your character plays through selection of 4 Technique Packs. Each character select Technique Packs based on the Style requirements listed on their Character cards. The 30 Technique Packs are divided into 5 Styles: Chi, Fluid, Hard, Soft, and Wrestle. Listed after each action is the type of action and its priority value in parenthesis.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
[Games] Way of the Fighter - Fighter Deck Overview
Last Updated on 12/24/2017..Ninja Division's Way of the Fighter is a tabletop game that pays tribute to 2D fighting games. This game was designed by Benjamin Yamada and came to fruition through Kickstarter. The aesthetic and game mechanics should be familiar to anyone that play fighting games in the arcades or on consoles. There is also a sense of skill/level advancement during the match through the use of Mode action cards.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
My Hobby and Blog in November 2016
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
My Hobby and Blog in October 2016
Rollo from Relic Knights placed among a pile of stamped terrain bases. |
Guild Ball,
Knight Models,
Relic Knights,
Shadows of Brimstone
Sunday, October 30, 2016
[Log] Dungeons & Dragons Wrath of Ashardalon - Part 2, Heroes Overview
First layer of paint applied on these adventurers. |
Saturday, October 29, 2016
[Log] Dragon Tides - Overview
Unlike Yashima in the green colored plastic, the Dragon Tides model are slightly smaller in scale and in a white color. |
Friday, September 30, 2016
My Hobby and Blog in September 2016
When I started collecting miniatures, I was truly a "Games Workshop hobbyist." As mentioned on their website, the "Games Workshop hobby is collecting, building, painting and playing games with Citadel miniatures." Replace Games Workshop with miniature gaming and cross out Citadel in the above phrase and that would describe how I feel I want my hobby to be about now. It is the end of September, and I decided to focus these monthly posts emphasizing on the collecting, building, painting, and playing aspects of the miniature hobby.
Immeril posing on top of a work in progress modular terrain tile |
Thursday, September 29, 2016
[Log] Yashima: Legend of the Kami Masters - Overview
8 masters from the core game and first two expansions (Deep Woods and Icy Peaks). |
Friday, September 2, 2016
[Log] Battle Masters Chaos and Destruction - Part 5
Work in Progress of the Orc Warriors |
Thursday, September 1, 2016
[Workshop] Casting Molds
Castlemolds from Hirst Arts (top) and Your Board System from Happy Seppuku (bottom) |
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
My Hobby and Blog in August 2016
A lot of rats at the adventurers' feet... |
Monday, August 22, 2016
[Log] Dungeons & Dragons Castle Ravenloft Monsters & Villains - Part 2
Rat Swarms done! next up Wolves and Spiders |
Previous Log Entry: [Log] Dungeons & Dragons Castle Ravenloft Monsters & Villains - Part 1
Next Log Entry: N/A
Saturday, August 13, 2016
[Archives] Empire Captain with Hammer and Pistol
Notes: The original binders notes are on page 39. The record for the work I did on both this model and the Empire Captain with Sword and Orc Head were poorly kept as I was preoccupied finding a new place to live at that time. Like all the other models I painted for an Empire army, I kept the red and white color theme as the main emphasis on the model. I did not paint in his eyes, but with how the helmet gives a natural shadow over the eyes, it does not look too bad; however, looking it up close...painting eyes will be one of my main areas I want to improve on.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar,
Warhammer Fantasy
[Archives] Empire Captain with Sword and Orc Head
Notes: The original binders notes are on page 38. The record for the work I did on both this model and the Empire Captain with Hammer and Pistol were poorly kept as I was preoccupied finding a new place to live at that time. For the model, I tried to keep the red and white color theme of the Empire that I had started with the Battle Master Empire infantry; however, since he is going to be a captain in the army, I wanted to give him some unique color to separate him from the regular troops. This turn out to be a light brown boots and hat compared to the deeper brown boots of the regular troops. I stained the sword's "Sigmar" engraving with a red wash, not entirely sure if I wanted it to be either a magic sword with a slightly red shine or blood soaked inside the engravings. Even though I did not paint the eyes, the shading seems to be good enough to give the impression of his eyes looking downward at his sword.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar,
Warhammer Fantasy
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
[Archives] Empire Duelist with Brace of Pistols
Warhammer Age of Sigmar,
Warhammer Fantasy
[Archives] Empire Duelist with Sword
Warhammer Age of Sigmar,
Warhammer Fantasy
Saturday, August 6, 2016
[Archives] Hills, Citadel Modular
The Citadel Modular Hills are out of production terrain pieces from Games Workshop.
Notes: The work on the Citadel Modular Hills were done simultaneously with the Citadel Hills. For both hill types, I wanted it be a medium green color with patches of other grass colors. Having 4 pieces of 2 unique sculpts, there are multiple configurations that I can use the versatile modular hill pieces. They can be used as table corner pieces, combined two together for table edge pieces, or combine 4 pieces together for one large hill. The original binder notes were on page 29.
Four separate pieces combined into one large hill terrain. |
[Archives] Hills, Citadel
The Citadel Hills are out of production terrain pieces from Games Workshop.
Notes: The work on the Citadel Hills were done simultaneously with the Citadel Modular Hills. For both hill types, I wanted it be a medium green color with patches of other grass colors. The Citadel Hills are larger than each Citadel Modular Hill; however, when you combine all 4 Citadel Modular Hills together, the regular Hills are smaller. The original binder notes were on page 29.
Te four heroes stands on top of one of the two Citadel Hills (left) |
[Archives] Warhammer Fortress
Painted Version |
Notes: The modular Warhammer Fortress can be set up in many different configurations. It can be made into one very long wall, half a castle, or even a small fully enclosed fortress. The gate can be opened and closed and there are 4 door accessories to represent additional entryways to the the towers. The paint scheme for the terrain pieces I worked on in 2010-2011 are very simple, but effective in my opinion. At the moment, the terrain pieces are not sealed with any varnish. The original binder notes for the work done to the Warhammer Fortress is on page 28.
Monday, August 1, 2016
My Hobby and Blog in July 2016
Wrath of Ashardalon adventurers and Castle Ravenloft Rat Swarms |
The Four Heroes Workshop
Anything related to my projects, modelling, painting, etc.
Work in Progress
For the month of July, I have gotten back into painting miniatures. However, I only made progress for 1 of the 4 projects that I was working on in March. I hoped to get some more painting done for the Battle Masters miniatures in August.
Castle Ravenloft,
Wrath of Ashardalon
Sunday, July 17, 2016
[Log] Dungeons & Dragons Castle Ravenloft Monsters & Villains - Part 1
37 Monsters and Villains from Castle Ravenloft Board Game |
[Log] Dungeons & Dragons Wrath of Ashardalon - Part 1, Overview
Wrath of Ashardalon miniatures |
Friday, July 15, 2016
My Hobby and Blog - May to July 2016
I have not updated this blog in a while! I was spending the time I usually put into the hobby to playing games and painting with my nephews and nieces. We have been playing Dominion card game and Dungeons & Dragons Wrath of Ashardalon board game. I am starting back posting in this blog as I work on painting the five DnD heroes from the s game. I still have quite a bit of miniatures on the painting bench (Orcs, Goblins, etc) that needs to be completed and lots of archiving to add to the blog. So here's hope I get back on track, though I doubt I will reach my target goal now.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
My Hobby and Blog in April 2016
For the month of April, I accomplished very little and saw my hobby streak finally ended at 93 days. I spent the month mostly despruing plastic parts from miniature kits and following Kickstarters, specifically Rail Raiders Infinite and Rum & Bones Second Tide. The little I did worked on miniatures was adding shield emblems to ten Orc Warriors from Battle Masters. Lastly, I received the new rubber texture stamp line from Happy Seppuku, I am currently trying them out with different putties.
[Workshop] Texture Stamps
Updated on April 19, 2018. This post will be used to compile information on the use of stamps to create texture for bases and terrain pieces. Specifically, I have been using Happy Seppuku texture stamps. Their website have useful advice on how to use their stamps. Right now, this post is just a list of the stamps I have. I will update this post in the future on my experience with using them.
Rubber Stamp, 3" x 3" (left) and a Polyurethane Stamp 3" x 5" (right) |
Thursday, March 31, 2016
My Hobby and Blog in March 2016 #4
The Four Heroes Workshop
Anything related to my projects, modelling, painting, etc.
Since the Last Update...
I started working on multiple projects at the same time...for better or worse! Most likely I will paint one or a group of figures together while planning out how to paint or to model the other groups of figures.
[Workshop] Magnets
Last Updated: December 4, 2017. I attached magnets underneath the bases of miniatures for the purpose of storage and transport of miniatures. I plan to make trays and shelves with a metal surface - 28 gauge galvanized steel sheet. Here is just a list of the different type of magnets I used.
Friday, March 25, 2016
My Hobby and Blog in March 2016 #3
The Four Heroes Workshop
Anything related to my projects, modelling, painting, etc.
Trying different skin color for Orcs and Goblins |
Since the Last Update...
I touched up on Alain and Oriana. These have not been worked on as much since nephews and nieces have not been around.
I finished preparing all the Battle Masters Chaos Army infantry for painting. All infantry bases were painted and those models with eyes had them painted. I started work on the orcs and goblins skin, trying out three different green base coats. I think the light yellowish green color might be too light and different from the other skin colors. I likely will go with a darker green shade to those yellow-green skin orcs and goblins.
I finished preparing all the Battle Masters Chaos Army infantry for painting. All infantry bases were painted and those models with eyes had them painted. I started work on the orcs and goblins skin, trying out three different green base coats. I think the light yellowish green color might be too light and different from the other skin colors. I likely will go with a darker green shade to those yellow-green skin orcs and goblins.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
[Archives] King's Wall
Warhammer Age of Sigmar,
Warhammer Fantasy
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
My Hobby and Blog in March 2016 #2
The Four Heroes Workshop
I have decided on changing how I organize my blog again. I will use Logs posts for broader project updates rather than for just mundane updates. I will use the "My Hobby and Blog" posts for the smaller updates.
Monday, March 14, 2016
[Archives] Trees, Woodland Scenics
Saturday, March 5, 2016
My Hobby and Blog in March 2016 #1
Friday, March 4, 2016
[Log] Alain and Oriana - Part 2
February 1st, 2016 to February 15, 2016 - Here is quick update to what I have done on Alain and Oriana. Work on these was temporarily halted as I put the time into completing the Battle Masters Chaos Archers. Going to take the time to finish these two models now. Base coast was painted onto most of the different parts of the miniatures.
Front View... |
[Archives] Hill, Homemade
I have collected miniatures and play games with them since the early 1990s. The late 2000s is when I started building, modeling, and painting game pieces. The very first thing I built for miniature gaming was this cardboard hill terrain. When I first made this terrain piece, I was quite happy with how it turned out. Since then, I have better terrain pieces to represent hills. In the future, I would like to go back to this terrain piece and convert it into some type of special terrain.
Monday, February 29, 2016
My Hobby and Blog in February 2016
Sunday, February 28, 2016
[Log] Battle Masters Chaos and Destruction - Part 4
February 20th, 2016 to February 25th, 2016 - This past weekend I finished painting the remaining Chaos Archers--the champion and 4 individuals each wearing attire showing their devotion or infinity to different Chaos Gods. With the first batch of archers, I varied skin color with mostly brown to yellow flesh tones. This second batch, I tried varying skin color with mostly reddish skin tones. Overall, I am pretty happy with how the figures turned out. I had ten identical figures and was able to make each one a little bit different through sculpting and paint scheme. I definitely see many areas I can try to improve on, Two of these areas I will paid extra attention to is: 1) Have more patience and pay attention to details when sculpting putty onto a figure; 2) Work on greater details on the face, for example. better eyes and adding eyebrows.
Finished painting! |
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
[Log] Battle Masters Chaos and Destruction - Part 3
February 1, 2016 to February 19, 2016 - Since the last update, I have added shading and highlights to all the chaos archers' attire. I then focused on each archer's skin and hair individually, completing the skin of 5 archers. Having so much of their skin exposed, the archers allowed me to better study and practice painting a wide range of skin color.
Archers placed from dark skin color to light skin color |
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Quantifying Lethality in Age of Sigmar - Initial Thoughts
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
[Log] Alain and Oriana - Part 1
January 19, 2016 to January 31. 2016 - Oriana and Alain are Reaper Miniatures specifically made for Pathfinder. These are my gifts to my nephew and niece and not part of my collection. I let them pick a miniature from the online store and I am now going step-by-step with them the entire process.
Monday, February 1, 2016
[Log] Battle Masters Chaos and Destruction - Part 2
January 4, 2016 to January 31. 2016 - Since the first log entry on these archers, I have added magnet strips underneath the base, sculpted more fur on the Champion's cloak, undercoated them with black gesso and applied the first layer of paint on the miniatures. Except for the hair, everything have a base coat. In addition, the eyes were painted. Painting the eyes was when I decided to get new brushes.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
My Hobby and Blog in January 2016
New brushes in their own containers! |
Sunday, January 24, 2016
[Infinity] A Survey of the Generic Armies' Troop Types
Sunday, January 3, 2016
[Log] Battle Masters Chaos and Destruction - Part 1
October 21, 2015 to January 3. 2016 - Now that I have finished painting the miniatures for the Battle Master's Imperial army, it is time for me to start the log for the Chaos side. The Battle Masters' Chaos Army have 60 miniatures. The models can be used for 4 different Warhammer Fantasy armies or for 2 Grand Alliances in Age of Sigmar--Chaos and Destruction. I will be working on the Chaos Archers first. A theme for these Chaos Archers is that the unit consists of men from all different parts of the world.
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