For the most part, the miniatures and overall aesthetic is quite adorable. The rules are not overly complicated making it more accessible for a gaming group with a wide age range. Thus, even before I received my Kickstarter pledge for this game, I decided to prioritize painting the game pieces to play with the nephews and nieces.
Those that pledged for the complete product line received a total of 70 miniatures with 32 unique sculpts (20 Raiders and 50 Lawbots). Below I outlined the order I will attempt to completely paint all the Rail Raiders Infinite gaming components.
- Plastic Coins - 20x of 1[$$], 5x of 5[$$], and 5x of 10[$$]
- Lawbots from Core Game - 14 from the core game plus an additional 14 from stretch goals.
- Raiders from Core Game - 6
- Lawbots from The Good, the Bad, and the Bot Expansion - 6 from the expansion plus an additional 5 from stretch goals.
- Raiders from The Good, the Bad, and the Bot Expansion - 2
- Lawbots from Good Tyme Religion - 6 from the expansion plus an additional 5 from stretch goals.
- Raiders from Good Tyme Religion - 2
- Raiders from Stretch Goals - 10
In general, I plan to paint the miniatures to match their illustrations. For the lawbots that have multiple copies of the same sculpt, I plan to paint each one slightly different such that no single lawbot are completely identical.
Next Log Entry: [Log] Rail Raiders Infinite - Double-Dollars and Bases
Next Log Entry: [Log] Rail Raiders Infinite - Double-Dollars and Bases
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