Thursday, October 26, 2017

[Games] Aristeia! - Character Index

Last updated on November 18, 2017 (This entry will be updated periodically). In Aristeia!, two teams of 4 characters compete against each other. This entry will be an overview of the characters playable in Aristeia! In the core game, players have a pool of 8 characters to choose from. It is expected that the character pool will be up to 24 characters by the end of 2018. The first expansion after the core game has been revealed to be "Soldiers of Fortune". The expansion comes out on February 2018. The second expansion is called "Smoke & Mirrors."

Monday, October 23, 2017

[Games] Warhammer Underworlds - Steelheart's Champions

Last updated on November 22, 2017 (This entry will be updated periodically). Steelheart's Champions is a Liberators Warband with 3 members. They are Severin Steelheart (leader), Angharad Brightshield, and Obryn the Bold.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

[Games] Warhammer Underworlds - Garrek's Reavers

Last updated on November 22, 2017 (This entry will be updated periodically). Garrek's Reavers is a Bloodreavers Warband with 5 members. They are Garrek Gorebeard (Leader), Karsus the Chained, Blooded Saek, Targor, and Arnulf.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

[Games] Warhammer Underworlds - Card Index

Last updated on January 4, 2018 (This entry will be updated periodically). This blog entry acts as a card index for Warhammer Underworlds. There are 437 unique cards in the Shadespire Card Set. Based on the core set and unboxing videos it appears the breakdown of the cards should be:

232 Warband Specific Cards (#001 to #232) - 29 cards for each Warband. There should be 8 Warbands in Shadespire. Each Warband has 9 Specific Objective Cards, 10 Specific Ploy Cards, and 10 Specific Upgrade Cards.

75 Universal Objective Cards (#233 to #307) - Core Set comes with 2 copies of 9 Universal Objective Cards. Each Shadespire expansion has 11 additional Universal Objective Cards.

65 Universal Ploy Cards (#308 to #372) - Core Set comes with 2 copies of 5 Universal Ploy Cards. Each Shadespire expansion has 10 additional Universal Ploy Cards.

65 Universal Upgrade Cards (#373 to #437) - Core Set comes with 2 copies of 5 Universal Upgrade Cards. Each Shadespire expansion has 10 additional Universal Upgrade Cards.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

[Games] Aristeia! - External Resources

Last updated on December 2, 2017. External links for websites and articles related to Aristeia! Like Warhammer Underworlds, this is a competitive card/dice board game. I plan to continually update this list as more articles are published.

Monday, October 16, 2017

[Games] Warhammer Underworlds - External Resources

This blog entry lists external websites and articles pertaining to Warhammer Underworlds a competitive card/dice board game. I plan to continually update this list as more articles are published.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

[Log] Workshop 2 - Working with Casting Molds

Some basic building blocks from casting
Casting molds that I have are mostly from Hirst Arts. I also use Happy Seppuku "Your Board Tile Mould" for casting board tiles (in combination with texture stamping). Below are some video instructions from Hirst Arts on using their Casting Molds

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

My Hobby and Blog in September 2017

September 2017 Reaper 25th Anniversary Model

The official end of Summer 2017 and the beginning of Fall 2017! I am several days late in getting this posted, but it does not mean I have slacked off from my miniature/gaming hobby.

What I have been working on: 

Three of my original goals were: 1) to paint more miniatures to completion;  2) completely transfer my hand-written notes onto the blog and my computer;  and 3) Better organize all the miniatures, tools, and gaming components I have collected over the years. I am still painting (slowly!). I have  taken a pause to transfer my notes for other priorities. I am, however, making a dent into organizing my unassembled miniatures.