Friday, August 28, 2015

[Workshop] Paints

Updated on November 15, 2017 - After 4 years, I am getting back into painting miniatures. Unfortunately, I found my line of paints from Citadel have been replaced with a new line. Lucky for me, I still have plenty of the old Citadel paints. It won't last forever, so I will need to find replacements.  This reference post lists all the paints I used and also possible substitutes when inevitably the paint runs out. Currently, I am using Plaid's Apple Barrel/Folk Art and Games Workshop's Citadel paint lines. I have also got several free Master Series Paint from Reaper.

Color cards I made for miniature painting reference. I cut index cards into smaller 
strips, painted one end with the sample color at different concentration,
punch a hole on the other end, and attach all of the color cards with a twist tie.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Four Heroes Project Blog

Hello to the random visitor browsing this blog!  The Four Heroes Project is my personal journal about my hobbies, mostly focusing on miniature gaming, painting, and modelling. Currently, articles in this blog will be about my experiences with the Warhammer war game, Dungeons & Dragons role playing game, and my projects. The biggest project I have is to paint my entire miniature collection, which is now over two thousand miniatures. Unfortunately. the number of models I have painted since this article was a measly 39.  So I got a long way to go!